I’m excited to have been awarded a DYCP grant from Arts Council to make large sculptures with an acrobatic focus; exploring how to record the movement of the figure and celebrate our athletic nature. I will be attending a Drawing in Steel Workshop in London, to develop metal working skills for not only my armatures, but also to explore how I could use metal to record lines of movement of these impressive acrobats, which then then support the figure in motion. I will be working with various acrobats and performers to inform these dynamic sculptures.
Part of the project will be researching opportunities to reach a wider audience in public domain. I wish to connect with people during the making & presentation of my work, to enrich my practice as well as strengthen people’s connection to my work. I want this body of work to inspire people to be more playful in their movement.
I will be starting this project in October and look forward to having a big project to focus my creative energy to.